Stage 1 and stage 2 audits
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Sorry, I cannot help you regarding ISO 2200 but about ISO 9001:2015 - First comes the stage 1 audit, the auditor (or audit team) will review the management system documentation and compare it with the requirements of the standard and will verify if the scope of certification is clear and doesn’t present a misleading information. Also included is a review to ensure that internal audits and management review are being planned and performed, and that the level of implementation of the management system indicates that the organization is prepared for the stage 2 audit.
If weaknesses are identified in the Stage 1 audit, these must be corrected by the organization before the Stage 2 audit.
While stage 1 audit is about documentation and is normally performed in a meeting room, stage 2 audit is performed at the places where people do t heir jobs and is much more practical, much more about whether the employees are complying with everything that is written in the documentation. This is achieved by means of interviewing the employees, examining the relevant documents, records, forms and guidelines and also by visiting relevant areas of the organization. The point is – the auditor can talk to anyone, visit any part of your company and see and document within the scope of the certification.
The following material will provide you information about implementing a QMS:
- ISO 9001 – How to deal with nonconformities in an ISO 9001 certification audit -
- free online training ISO 9001:2015 Foundations Course –
- book – Preparing for ISO Certification Audit: A Plain English Guide -
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Apr 05, 2018