Statement of conformity
we are into calibration Lab, is it possible to give statement of conformity in our calibration certificates without considering the Measurement uncertainty on a request note of the customer.
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Simply stated, measurement uncertainty cannot be ignored when it comes to conformity statements reported under accreditation. During contract review a laboratory must confirm with the customer that it can meet the requirements for accuracy and are able to perform the measurements. The issue of Measurement uncertainty must be discussed and evaluated to avoid the risk of false pass (acceptance), as the uncertainty could result in the measurement reported being larger than the specification, due to the uncertainty component,
If the expanded measurement uncertainty is smaller than the accuracy requirements of the regulators or client, then the agreed decision rule could, for example, be: “PASS” indicates that the test method conforms with the accuracy requirements of the testing standard. The expanded measurement uncertainty (k = 2 ,95 % probability) is not greater than the accuracy requirements defined as <value>. You could also refer to a table.
For more information, refer to the ILAC guideline G8:09/2019 Guidelines on Decision Rules and Statements of Conformity available for download from and refer to your accreditation body requirements. A good example of a guideline from an accreditation body is the UKAS Lab 48 Decision Rules and Statements of Conformity, available from h
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Mar 02, 2021