The EU GDPR toolkit structure
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What I miss in the forms bundle perhaps are more marketing related: Coockie consent, policy samples with different data retention (it seems cloud services will offer different plans for retaining data, as example Google Analytics ) and perhaps some samples for give aways or prize games. In short: marketing forms for web portals. Perhaps as additional charge.
E-news consent goes well to the genera consent form, but other services are more unpredictable, because they include a lot of different cloud services.
Regarding the structure of the EU GDPR Implementation Toolkit the documents within are meant to be cross industry and are not tailor made for digital marketing companies any particular industry. However, regarding the cookie consent this is no different from regular consent (which you can find in folder 4 or our EU GDPR Documentation Toolkit) is just a matter of adapting the wording a little bit. As for the data retention, there is a Data retention Policy and a Retention Schedule in folder 2 of the EU DGDPR Documentation Toolkit.
If you want to receive dedicated privacy services you can contact directly one of our privacy consultants and schedule a meeting to discuss further with them your needs. You can schedule a meeting here:
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Apr 18, 2018