Toolkit documents
I have recently started to run over the ISO 27001 toolkit and have a question, are we missing the ISO 27001 document? As I have noticed that some of the referencing refers to “ISO 27001 7.5 document” I can’t find this in the download that we purchased.
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Rhand Leal
Apr 05, 2017
Answer: The document in the Toolkit which covers the ISO 27001 clause 7.5 is the Procedure for Document and Record Control located in the folder 00 Procedure for Document and Record Control.
By the way, in the root folder of the toolkit you'll see a document called 'List of documents' where you'll see a list of all documents in the toolkit together with the clauses of the standard that are covered by each document.
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Apr 05, 2017
Apr 05, 2017
Apr 05, 2017