Training Register
I can deduce that Conformio provides a register to record all training requirements for individual employees or employee groups (the Trainee name need not be a person). The date is just the date when the new training is created. After the training is created, I just need to update its status as it progress until it is “Performed”. The PDF report will just show all the training records created with various statuses, which is not very helpful.
I thought that ISO 27001 requires that we have an annual training plan for the company and Conformio is not doing it for us? Please advise.
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Please note that ISO 27001 does not require an annual training plan to be documented, only that proper actions to acquire the necessary competence are taken, their effectiveness is measured, and appropriated documentation is maintained. For that purpose, the report provided by the Training module fulfills the standard’s criteria.
For further information, see:
- How to perform training & awareness for ISO 27001 and ISO 22301
This material can also help you:
- Free Security Awareness Training: - this is a series of 25 videos that cover various topics related to security.
So we use the training module in Conformio as a repository for records of all training done for employees of the company. There is no other feature in it other than for record keeping.
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Feb 21, 2023