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Validity and document management

Guest user Created:   Aug 16, 2023 Last commented:   Aug 18, 2023

Validity and document management

I have one minor clarification.

In all procedure templates have a validity and document management section as below:

Validity and document management

This document is valid as of [date].


If we are creating this document today, which date do we need to mention here as valid as of [date].

Is it like we need to keep a date after 1 year or so when we plan to review the document again?

For example, today is 12 AUG 2023, do we need to mention as “This document is valid as of 12 AUG 2024”.

Please clarify.

If we keep a date after one year, then we should ensure we review/revise document before that and change this date to date after one year again. Correct?

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Rhand Leal Aug 16, 2023

Please note that the validity date refers to the date from which the document starts to be valid and needs to be followed. Normally this date is the one when the document is approved by the document owner.

In your example “This document is valid as of 12 AUG 2024” it means that the document only will be valid to be followed one year from 12 AUG 2023. If you want the document to be followed starting from 12 AUG 2023, the phrase would be “This document is valid as of 12 AUG 2023.”  

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Guest user Aug 17, 2023

So if a document  is not undergoing any change for few years then this date will be very old date (may be 3-4 years)  and hence sometimes creating confusion during  audits. Like to know if as  part of annual review of documents we need to update this date with latest reviewed date even though no changes was done?

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Rhand Leal Aug 18, 2023

This is an acceptable approach compliant with the standard to evidence document review.

Please note that a document review not necessarily needs to lead to changes in it, so you can update the change history of the document to include the information about when the document was last reviewed and that no need to change was identified.

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Aug 16, 2023

Aug 18, 2023