VDA ISA Certificate
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Although VDA ISA requirements, part of TISAX standard, have many similarities with ISO 27001 main clauses and its Annex A controls (the excel table in the link you provided, in its tab “Information Security”, column q – “Reference to other standards”, provides a mapping between the two documents), we are not experts on VDA ISA to provide a proper answer regarding VDA ISA maturity level, because this information also depends on the fulfillment of requirements for prototype protection requirements, which are not related to ISO 27001.
This article will provide you a further explanation about TISAX and VDA ISA:
- How ISO 27001 and TISAX are related https://advisera.com/27001academy/blog/2019/03/11/how-iso-27001-and-tisax-are-related/
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Mar 26, 2021