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What records to create for backup restore?

Guest user Created:   Nov 04, 2022 Last commented:   Nov 04, 2022

What records to create for backup restore?

Hi, we are doing backup restore tests but we are unsure what records we should produce. Producing records of backup runs is easy, it is in the backup logs. But the backup restore test involves taking a backup copy, restoring it and then looking at the result. The person who did the restore can say it looks ok, all files are there and validate last DB entry but this control needs to generate a record, report or screenshot of some kind so we can be sure it was tested according to schedule.

I would be happy if you could shine some light to the best practice in this area. Thank you and best regards!

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Set of rules for the creation of backup copies.


Set of rules for the creation of backup copies.

Rhand Leal Nov 04, 2022

Please note that ISO 27001 does not prescribe how to record the results of a backup restore test, so you can adopt the record that better fits your needs. It can be a restored log, a report, or a screenshot, as you mentioned. But the most important thing is that this record needs to be validated other way than by the person that performed the restore test.

For example, the backup software may have a feature that validates restoration (then you can use a screenshot of the verification result as a record). Another example is you can perform a restoration of a set of files and ask for the files’ owner to validate the restoration by answering an e-mail or filling a report.  

For further information about backup, see:

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Nov 04, 2022

Nov 04, 2022