A proof for fulfillment of requirement A.9.5.1 from ISO 27017
Our certification body has asked us to show the proof of implementation of A.9.5.1 from ISO 27017: "Risk assessment performed and mitigating controls to address risks imposed by customer-developed/supplied software in the cloud environment. (s1)"
Could you please give us some examples on what kind of proof we would need to present to the certification body?
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I’m assuming you are referring to control CDL 9.5.1 - Segregation in virtual computing environments.
Regarding the “Risk assessment performed” you can show as evidence the last risk assessment and treatment report, showing to which risks related to “customer-developed/supplied software in the cloud environment” the control CDL 9.5.1 is used as treatment.
Regarding the “mitigating controls to address risks imposed by customer-developed/supplied software in the cloud environment”, examples of evidence of implementation of this control are:
- Network diagrams showing how computing environments are segregated
- Firewall rules tables showing the configurations implemented in network devices to segregate the environments
- Results of independent penetration tests covering the evaluation of this control
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Sep 29, 2022