Clause for Context of Organization
Which clause does context of the organization relate to in ISO 45001 (2018)? Is it clause 2, 4, 6 or 8?
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ISO 45001 includes clause 4 for context of the organization, and this entire clause asks you to identify the organization that you are creating an OHSMS for through 4 sub-clauses. In the sub-clauses, 4.1 asks that you identify the internal and external issues that could affect your OHSMS (this is also calluses context of the organization), clause 4.2 asks you to identify interested parties and their needs and expectations, clause 4.3 asks that you identify the scope of your OHSMS (where the OH&S rules will apply) and finally clause 4.4 includes overall requirements to establish, implement, maintain and improve the OHSMS.
You can learn more about some of these sub-clauses in the following articles:
Defining the context of the organization according to ISO 45001,
Determining interested parties according to ISO 45001,
How to determine scope of the OH&SMS,
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Apr 01, 2020