Documenting the context/objectives/policies
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There is not a specific format or standard to use for documenting those requirements.
For the context of the organization you can develop a procedure or just conduct a SWOT analysis with the relevant people of your organization. Doing so, you are demonstrating that you have determined the internal and external issues of your organization, since there is not a mandatory document regarding the context of the organization.
For more information about the context of the organization in ISO 9001:2015 you can see these articles:
- How to identify the context of the organization in ISo 9001:2015:
- ISO 9001:2015 case study: context of the organization aqs a success factor in mannufacturing company:
Also you can check our procedure for the context of the organization here - Procedure for determining the context of the organization and interested parties:
Regarding to the quality policy you can download a free preview here to see an example of how it should look like:
You can also see this article about quality policy - How to write a good quality policy: It contains several tips on how to best develop a quality policy.
In regards to quality objectives, although there is not a common format to use, they must be SMART, that is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based and also need to have relevance at all levels of the company. Also you should plan how to achieve those quality objectives and record them. You can check this article for more information about quality objectives - How to write good quality objectives:
Here you can download a free preview of our template for quality objectives:
For more information about the format of the quality policy/objectives/context of the organization, you can see these materials:
- Book – Discover ISO 9001:2015 through practical examples:
- Free on-line training – ISO 9001:2015 Foundations:
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Aug 06, 2019