Employee background check
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There is nothing wrong with performing a background check as long as the processing activity is lawful and proportionate.
So, if based on a risk assessment conducted the company, it results that some categories of employees or potential employees would need to be checked, you can do that providing you do the following :
- get the express consent of the potential employee and for the existing employees provide an adequate notice. The consent form template can be found in folder 4 of the EU GDPR implementation toolkit https://advisera.com/eugdpracademy/eu-gdpr-documentation-toolkit/ and the notice for employees can be found in folder 2.
- because this processing activity is quite intrusive (depen ding on the extent of the background check) and special categories of personal data (such as criminal records) might be processed, a DPIA would be required as well. You can find guidance on DPIAs in folder 5 of the EU GDPR implementation toolkit.
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Dec 11, 2017