Evidence for clauses 4.1 and 4.2 in ISO 9001:2015
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Clause 4.1 Context of the organization will be the most difficult to evidence since there are no requirements to document any part of the context. The best way to audit this clause it through interview with the top management and see if they had used SWOT analysis or some other tool while identifying context but again this is not a mandatory record. For more information, see: How to identify the context of the organization in ISO 9001:2015 https://advisera.com/9001academy/knowledgebase/how-to-identify-the-context-of-the-organization-in-iso-90012015/
As for 4.2 Understanding needs and expectations of interested parties, there should be a list of interested parties and their requirements but again, it is not a mandatory documents so the best way to evidence this requirement is through interview. For more information, see: How to determine interested part ies and their requirements according to ISO 9001:2015 https://advisera.com/9001academy/blog/2015/11/10/how-to-determine-interested-parties-and-their-requirements-according-to-iso-90012015/
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Oct 19, 2016