Impartiality risk assessment
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You can use 05. Appendix 1 Registry of Key Risks and Opportunities.
As per the definition of impartiality, and referring to clause 4.1.4, consider any risks to the presence of objectivity, i.e risks that could result in conflicts of interest, bias, prejudice, unfair practices
Consider risks that could arise from the activities, organisational relationships, or from the relationships of personnel. Examples are provided in ISO 17025 that such relationships that threaten the impartiality of the laboratory can be based on ownership, governance, management, personnel, shared resources, finances, contracts, marketing (including branding), and payment of a sales commission or other inducement for the referral of new customers. List these and all possible risks, even of they do not exist, and indicate how they are controlled. If a risk does exist, list the control to remove the risk, or reduce to a low level that is not significant. Examples of controls are clear independent organisational structure with clear roles and authorities, through contract review, supplier evaluations and personnel contracts to look at for and protect impartiality.
For more information, see my response to a question Assuring impartiality and confidentiality at
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Jul 27, 2022