Implementing ISO 45001 in manpower company
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ISO 45001 can be implemented in any company regardless of the type of business and its size. Implementing the standard in the manpower company would't be much different than in any other company. The only difference is that you need to conduct the hazards assessment based on the activities for which you are providing the manpower to your clients and the type of operational controls you can apply, considering that the employees would be under control of your customers. For example, if the customer has already established the OH&S controls, then your employees should apply those controls, but in case like yours, the customers shoul dn't have much objections o your operational controls (i.e. personal protective equipment, rules for working on heights etc.)
The rest of the implementation process is the same as for any other type of business.
For more information on the implementation process, download this free whitepaper: Diagram of ISO 45001 Implementation Process
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Aug 03, 2018