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Information security and ISO 27001 topics

Guest user Created:   Apr 21, 2018 Last commented:   Apr 21, 2018

Information security and ISO 27001 topics

Sou estudante de Logística na XXXX e necessito elaborar um trabalho acadêmico sobre a ISO 27001 solicitado pelo professor de XXXX.
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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Rhand Leal Apr 21, 2018

Contudo, gostaria de saber se existe a possibilidade de me fornecer algum material que me ajude nos seguintes tópicos:

Grupo 6 - ISO 27001 - Tecnologia da informação
Iniciar com conceitos e definições do que é “ISO 27001 ”; Quando surgiu, onde surgiu; Atuação das empresas na busca da ISO 27001; Custos de implantação; Concorrência e mercado; Certificação (como é o processo); Quais os requisitos da norma; Exemplos de empresa que aplicam; Por que esta empresa adotou esta norma; Resultados/benefícios desejados; Etc; Desde já grato pela atenção e ao seu dispor.

(I am a Logistics student at XXXX and I need to prepare an academic paper about ISO 27001 requested by the XXXX professor.
However, I would like to know if there is a possibility of providing me with some material that will help me in the following topics:

Group 6 - ISO 27001 - Information technology
Start with concepts and definitions of what is "I SO 27001"; When it arose, where it arose; Companies acting in the search for ISO 27001; Implementation costs; Competition and market; Certification (how is the process); What are the requirements of the standard? Examples of companies that apply; Why this company adopted this standard; Desired outcomes / benefits; Etc; Thank you in advance for your attention and at your disposal.)

Answer: For some topics you asked for information, I suggest you these materials:
- What is ISO 27001 https://advisera.com/27001academy/what-is-iso-27001/
- ISO 27001 implementation checklist https://advisera.com/27001academy/knowledgebase/iso-27001-implementation-checklist/
- The basic logic of ISO 27001: How does information security work? https://advisera.com/27001academy/knowledgebase/the-basic-logic-of-iso-27001-how-does-information-security-work/
- ISO survey https://www.iso.org/the-iso-survey.html

These materials will also help you regarding your questions:
- Clause-by-clause explanation of ISO 27001 https://info.advisera.com/27001academy/free-download/clause-by-clause-explanation-of-iso-27001
- How to Budget an ISO 27001 Implementation Project https://info.advisera.com/27001academy/free-download/how-to-budget-an-iso-27001-implementation-project
- Applicability of ISO 27001 divided by industry https://info.advisera.com/27001academy/free-download/applicability-of-iso-27001
- Checklist of mandatory documentation required by ISO 27001:2013 https://info.advisera.com/27001academy/free-download/checklist-of-mandatory-documentation-required-by-iso-27001
- Book Secure & Simple: A Small-Business Guide to Implementing ISO 27001 On Your Own https://advisera.com/books/secure-and-simple-a-small-business-guide-to-implementing-iso-27001-on-your-own/
- Free online training ISO 27001 Foundations Course https://advisera.com/training/iso-27001-foundations-course/

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Apr 21, 2018

Apr 21, 2018

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