ISO 9001 Evaluation of the effectiveness of training
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As an auditor I agree with you. As a consultant I recommend organizations to divide these actions into two types: awareness and training.
If we are not going to evaluate the effectiveness, it is an awareness action. For example, training given to all workers entering the company in terms of health and safety.
When we talk about training, we must evaluate its effectiveness. What is effectiveness? The extent to which planned results are achieved. Thus, any training only makes sense if its objectives, planned results, are defined before anything else. Are the training objectives defined? Attention, training objectives are not about the fulfillment of the hours or the program, it is a transformation in the trainees. What I recommend to companies, when designing a training course, is to define its objectives and define the criteria and timing for evaluating effectiveness. For example, if the training is about using a software module, the evaluation of effectiveness can be done 15 days later, and the criteria can be “the trainee is already using the software alone for more than 90% of the time”. If the training was on good practices to reduce defects, the evaluation of effectiveness can be done 2 months later looking at the evolution of the number of defects. If trainees and managers found the training to reduce defects fantastic, but 2 months later they are at the same level, training was not effective.
The following material will provide you more information about competency and the process approach:
- How to ensure competence and awareness in ISO 9001:2015 -
- Free webinar on demand - The Process Approach - What it is, why it is important, and how to do it - please check how training can be related with the process approach
- How to manage knowledge of the organization according to ISO 9001 -
- Using Competence, Training and Awareness to Replace Documentation in your QMS -
- Free online training ISO 9001:2015 Foundations Course –
- Book - Discover ISO 9001:2015 Through Practical Examples - - where I extensively use the process approach.
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Feb 20, 2022