The process of the input reporting of the requirements noted at clause 8.9.2 does not provide adequate details of the related information to meet the reporting of the information pertinent to the activities performed for a period of one year of the key aspects of clause 8.9.2. How do i close this nonconformance on management review?
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The purpose of management review is if evauate if the management system fulfils its functions and goals for each listed input in ISO 17025:2017 clause 8.9.2.
Typically information is gathered and presented as a chart, table or paragraph expressing what the goal is for each activity and if the system that is implemented assists you with achieving that goal. A simple example is customer satisfaction. State what was done to seek feedback (e.g us eof a Microsoft forms survey) what the feedback told you about customer satisfaction (e.g display the informatic charts and graphs). For the output specify any decisions about action that is to be taken and whether your goals will remain the same (e.g 95% satisfaction) or be adjusted and why.
Have a look at the article How to perform management review in ISO 17025 at for further information.
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Sep 29, 2022