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Measurements and Metrics in Software Development Projects

Guest user Created:   Jan 12, 2016 Last commented:   Jan 12, 2016

Measurements and Metrics in Software Development Projects

 Why we need measurements and metrics in ISO 9001?And What type of measures and metrics should be collected in software(Development and Maintenance) Projects?
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StrahinjaS Jan 12, 2016

The purpose of measurements and metrics in ISO 9001 is to provide evidence that the product or service meets initial requirements for product or service quality.

The measures can be direct (cost, effort, lines of code (LOC), speed, memory) or indirect (functionality, quality, complexity, efficiency, reliability, maintainability), the metrics can beSize of the software produced, Lines Of Code (LOC), 1000 Lines Of Code KLOC, Effort measured in person months, Errors/KLOC, Defects/KLOC, Cost/LOC, Documentation Pages/KLOC, LOC is programmer & language dependent, etc.

The ISO 9001 standard doesn't prescribe the types of measurement and metrics or force you to perform measuring. You need to perform only the measurements that provide the evidence of product quality, if such measurements don't exist you can exclude the clause 7.6 of the standard.

Here is one very informative article regarding the subject: Monitoring and Measurement: The basis for evidence-based decisions

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Jan 12, 2016

Jan 12, 2016