Minimum requirements for A.17 controls
Mi duda es como atender o cuales son lo mínimo a nivel de documentos, que debo tener desde seguridad de la información para atender los controles que corresponden a la A.17 en el ISO 27001:2013
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My doubt is how to attend or what are the minimum at the document level, that I must have from information security to attend to the controls that correspond to A.17 in ISO 27001:2013
At the document level, to be compliant with ISO 27001:2013 Annex A.17 controls you only need to document disaster recovery plans.
To see how a Disaster recovery plan compliant with ISO 27001 looks like, please take a look at this template demo:
This article will provide you with a further explanation of Disaster Recovery:
- Disaster recovery vs Business continuity
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Aug 17, 2022