Non-mandatory documents
I'm preparing a checklist for ISO 22301 and I found the list of non-mandatory documents on your website. The list is a helpful resource, and I was hoping to gain some additional information about its source. Specifically, I am curious if the list of non-mandatory documents is directly referenced within the ISO 22301 standard itself, or if it represents a compilation of best practices or recommendations from another source.
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Most of the non-mandatory documents on our website come from our experience in helping organizations comply with ISO 22301. These non-mandatory documents were identified by organizations as being helpful in implementing and operating their BCMS.
For example, ISO 22301 does not require organizations to document how they control documents and records, but having a procedure for that can facilitate communication and keep documents in a default format.
This article can provide you with further information:
- 8 criteria to decide which ISO 27001 policies and procedures to write
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Jun 10, 2024