OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001
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Purpose of both standards is to provide framework for establishing occupational health and safety management system, the difference is that OHSAS 18001 is published by BSI (British Standardization Institute) and ISO 45001 will be published by ISO organization (keep in mind that it isn't published yet).
Unlike the case with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 where was a change in the version so we entered the transition period when every company must make the transition and update it system to meet requirements of the new versions, Publication of ISO 45001 won't force companies to migrate to it and abandon OHSAS 18001, but it will be in line with other ISO standard which will facilitate the integration and it will be modern standard that is up to date with current requirements for occupation health and safety so it will eventually replace OHSAS 18001 but the migration won't be so strict as in case of transition of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
For more information, se e: First glance at ISO/DIS 45001 – How different is it from OHSAS 18001? https://advisera.com/18001academy/blog/2016/01/20/first-glance-at-isodis-45001-how-different-is-it-from-ohsas-18001/
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Oct 03, 2016