Quality Objectives: Clause 6.2.1c examples
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In clause 6.2.1C AS9100 Rev D is talking about any requirements that you have identified as relevant to your QMS. This could be a customer requirement for traceability or on time delivery which you need to improve, or it could be a legal requirement for your industry such as hazardous waste management of chemicals that needs to be implemented or improved. These identified requirements could turn into the following sample objectives:
XYZ Company will reduce errors in traceability from 5% to 2% in the next 6 months.
XYZ Company will improve on-time delivery form 95% to 98% in the next 9 months.
XYZ Company will increase the number of trained personnel for hazardous waste management from 3 to 6 in the next 6 months.
Remember, with the new standard these objectives now also need to have a plan created to accomplish them, so this will be your next step.
For a better understanding of all the requirements you can see this explanatory whitepaper: https://info.advisera.com/9100academy/free-download/clause-by-clause-explanation-of-as9100-rev-d
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Oct 03, 2018