Question about pH meter
Hi, we have pH meter *** and we need to use flouride ion selective electrode by using the *** , could you provide us flouride calibration method or procedure and how to setup the electrode ,that because when I caibrated the flouride ion selective electrode meter ,after calibratiin the meter gave me a wrong value for the reference stanadard , even when I used one of the standard which was used in calibration .
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There are four possible components that could be the issue, namely the meter, ion selective electrode, application (including sampled) and the technique. To troubleshoot, I suggest you contact the supplier and ensure you have the manual and handling instructions for both the meter and electrode. Then work systematically to isolate the problem
You can refer to the ASTM D1179-16(2021)e1 Standard Test Methods for Fluoride Ion in Water or EPA method SW-846 Test Method 9214: Potentiometric Determination of Fluoride in Aqueous Samples with Ion-Selective Electrode, for a method, including the principle of calibration.
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Nov 23, 2022