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Requirements in Document Wizard

Guest user Created:   Jul 18, 2022 Last commented:   Jul 18, 2022

Requirements in Document Wizard

1. Why can I select only one person to approve my documents. We have more people so I am not sure how to handle this in our organization? 2. How are the risks and requirements listed in each step addressed in each policy. Do I need to do something on my side or reference them in specific paragraphs? How do I know which paragraph in the document covers which risk or which requirement so that when I am asked how we are treating those risks or requirements, I can show them?

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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Rhand Leal Jul 18, 2022

1. Why can I select only one person to approve my documents. We have more people so I am not sure how to handle this in our organization? 

Answer: When you need input from several roles to define a document, you can use the functionality of reviewers, so you can invite specific people to evaluate the document before it is sent to approval.

2. How are the risks and requirements listed in each step addressed in each policy. Do I need to do something on my side or reference them in specific paragraphs? How do I know which paragraph in the document covers which risk or which requirement so that when I am asked how we are treating those risks or requirements, I can show them?"

Answer: The relation between risks and documents is that risks define which controls are applicable in the Statement of Applicability, and in the SoA it is defined which documents are used.

The recommended documents will automatically show the texts that need to be present to cover the controls used to treat the risks, and the specific risks can be seen in the left-hand side of each document for the highlighted text. In your example the risks in the left-hand side panel refers to the firs paragraph of section 4.1.

This way you can decide how to adapt the text of a document for specific risks.

Requirements from Register of Requirements will be displayed in similar manner in the left-hand side of a document.

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Jul 18, 2022

Jul 18, 2022

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