Tag: "Certification" - Expert Advice Community



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  • Approved Certification bodies

    Hey everyone, really nice to join this forum.
    I just have a very quick question that I hope someone can assist me with.

    Does any one know of the best way to validate a certification body, and what certificates that certification body is authorised to issue.

    I've found https://uafaccreditation.org/, just wonderig if there are any others that will allow me to validate my results about a potential fake certificate.

  • ISO 20000 certification

    how many times does it take to get ISO / IEC 20000 certification?

  • Toolkits and PCI-DSS certification

    Hi, what is the document package that will help me get PCI-DSS certification? What we need is the templates that will help us through the documentation process

  • Maintaining certification

    We are ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Certified Company. We want to maintain Process with ISO Standard. So Mainly we want to know what are the key factors which has to be follow up continuously?