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ISO 9001 doubts

Guest user Created:   Apr 27, 2020 Last commented:   Apr 27, 2020

ISO 9001 doubts

1. Please explain what is contingency action as per 8.2.1?

2. Please explain "Organistaion can meet the claims for Products & services it offered" as per 8.2.2

3. Design engineer can perform Internal Audit of Design Department in same organisation.? I think it's a violation of 9.2.2 (c). Please confirm.

4. Customer satisfaction to be monitored as per 9.1.2. No Documented information to be retained. Is it so.?

5. I couldn't find 'preventive action' word. Is it romed from current version.? Please confirm.

6. What does mean by "Organistaion shall ensure"....? I think documented information to be maintained whenever require but if only above statement is mentioned then no requirement of maintaining the documented informmation. Is it correct.

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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Carlos Pereira da Cruz Apr 27, 2020

1. Please explain what is contingency action as per 8.2.1?


A contingent action is an action from a contingency plan. A contingency plan helps an organization respond effectively to an important event that can be foreseen. For example, supply a customer by air freight when goods cannot be delivered by normal truck due to a severe storm.

2. Please explain "Organization can meet the claims for Products & services it offered" as per 8.2.2


Clause 8.2.2 a) is about specifications. They are written.

Clause 8.2.2 b) is about allegations. For example, claiming “with our product you will reduce your energy consumption by 25%”. Claims that depend not only of the product or service per se but also from the customer’s context.

3. Design engineer can perform Internal Audit of Design Department in same organization.? I think it's a violation of 9.2.2 (c). Please confirm.


Yes, it is.

4. Customer satisfaction to be monitored as per 9.1.2. No Documented information to be retained. Is it so.?


There is no mandatory record to be kept according to ISO 9001:2015. As a good practice I recommend organizations to keep it.

5. I couldn't find 'preventive action' word. Is it removed from current version.? Please confirm.


Yes, it was removed from ISO 9001:2015. In a certain way it is included, without the wording, in the risk based approach.

6. What does mean by "Organization shall ensure"....? I think documented information to be maintained whenever require but if only above statement is mentioned then no requirement of maintaining the documented information. Is it correct?


“Shall” means it is a requirement.

When we read “shall maintain documented information” it means there must be a document. “Maintain” is the key word.

When we read “shall retain documented information” it means there must be a record. “Retain” is the key word.

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Apr 27, 2020

Apr 27, 2020

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