We are a small company and trying to get the ISO 9001:2015 certification. One of the processes is Marketing&Sales. What records related to Marketing&Sales will be audited for ISO 9001:2015 certification? There is one person for marketing and one for sales but only one process. Can 2 persons have a join ownership of the process (Marketing&Sales)?
ISO 9001 does not have any explicit requirements regarding marketing but customer satisfaction monitoring (clause 9.1.2) can be considered as requirement related to the marketing. Requirements that can be audited in Sales and Marketing department are from the clause 8.2.
It is very uncommon to have two persons as a process owners, especially if there are only two persons in the process. It is better to define marketing and sales as a separate processes and each person can be owner of its process. They can still be part of the same department.
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May 17, 2017