What must be in this procedure for Personnel training??
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As with all requirements, the objective is to ensure competency for the tasks personnel are responsible for, and the provision of resources and authority to contribute positively to the overall compliance and objectives of the laboratory. This means that that the training procedure and records must include actions, controls, monitoring and evidence that the training is fit (appropriate and effective) for the work being performed. All personnel must be sufficiently skilled, trained and deemed competent for the specific task they are responsible for. Personnel should have suitable ISO 17025 awareness training, as they need to know how their role and actions can positively or negatively impact the consistent valid results of the laboratory. The training would typically cover administrative, operational, technical and general management activities; including a good understanding of the risks, controls and monitoring activities that are associated with their work. Personnel training records must include identification of competence requirements, evidence of supervision, authorization (deemed competent for an activity) and monitoring of competence.
ISO 17025 has mandatory requirements for documenting the competency requirements and retaining records. As personnel training and competency is a critical activity, the Advisera ISO 17025 toolkit includes the mandatory procedure as ISO 17025 document template: Competence, Training and Awareness Procedure along with 4 appendices: Training Program, Training Record and Performance Monitoring, Record of Attendance and Competence Approval and Authorization Record. You can preview the template at https://advisera.com/17025academy/documentation/competence-training-and-awareness-procedure/
The Whitepaper Clause-by-clause explanation of ISO 17025:2017 will assist you with ISO 17025 awareness, available at https://info.advisera.com/17025academy/free-download/clause-by-clause-explanation-of-iso-17025/
Also have a look at the Advisera Expert Advice Community question and answer in deeming someone competent for more information. Available at https://community.advisera.com/topic/how-training-should-someone-have-before-they-are-deemed-competent-for-a-specific-task/
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Feb 03, 2021