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Risks and opportunities in HR department

Guest user Created:   Apr 15, 2017 Last commented:   Apr 23, 2021

Risks and opportunities in HR department

I'd like to know how to identify and what are the risks associated the human resources management in service -based government agencies.
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Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.


Step-by-step implementation for smaller companies.

Strahinja Stojanovic Apr 15, 2017


When identifying risks and opportunities you need to focus on the ones that affect QMS (Quality Management System), its objectives and customer satisfaction. In case of HR department, the risks and opportunities are related to identifying and achieving competence necessary to maintain the QMS. A risk can be that you do not have enough competent internal auditors to meet the internal audit program, so the action can be to train two more auditors. In this case, the opportunity can be if you have one skilled auditor, he can perform in house training to other employees and cut the cost of taking action to address the above mentioned risk.

For more information, see: How to address risks and opportunities in ISO 9001

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Ing Hong Apr 23, 2021

Good evening, is it compulsory for HR department to determine its risk and opportunities in QMS?

If yes, can I have some examples/samples 


Thank you 

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Carlos Pereira da Cruz Apr 23, 2021

There is no requirement in ISO 9001:2015 to have documents or records about risks and opportunities but ISO 9001:2015 invites us to determine risks around:

  • context and interested parties;
  • products and services; and
  • processes

If I think about a process around competency and training I can determine risks like:

  • determining wrong competency requirements for each function within the QMS
  • failure to do a proper evaluation of people’s competency
  • determining the wrong or incomplete actions to close competency gaps (for example, hoping that
  • training is the right tool when it is not, choosing a bad trainer, …)
  • not enough time for training or other actions
  • failure to do a proper evaluation of training effectiveness

If I think about a process around onboarding of new people I can determine risks like:

  • choosing the wrong person
  • allowing that a person without the proper training and experience starts performing a function
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Apr 15, 2017

Apr 23, 2021

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