Time to prepare and get certified
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For AS9100 implementation, the time duration can be very different for different companies, so giving one estimate is not possible. For the time to learn the standard, there are many AS9100 training courses that take 1 – 2 days if you want to do this rather than independent study. Implementation then will take a varying amount of time depending on many factors such as size of company, complexity of processes, time allowed for implementation personnel, etc. When it comes to certification, after a documentation audit the certification audit often takes 3—4 days (again, depending on the company) as well as any time needed to respond to nonconformances of the processes.
You can learn a bit more on how to assess the time for implementation in the article: How long does AS9100 implementation take?, https://advisera.com/9100academy/blog/2019/03/26/how-long-does-as9100-implementation-take/
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Aug 18, 2021