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EU GDPR - Expert Advice Community



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  • Performing DIPA in companies

    Can we comply with the GDPR without performing DPIA even for large companies?
  • Right to object

    If customer objects to certain processing, like e.g. marketing or exporting data to third countries, is controller or processor allowed to deny all services to the customer? If yes, then actually there is no real 'right to object'?
  • Data Processors and DIPA

    Is Data Protection Impact Assessment a mandatory for Data Processors?
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment and BIA

    Can this be tied into our BIA in ISO 22301?
  • Legacy backup data

    How do you address RTBF with potentially years of legacy backup data?
  • Employee data privacy

    As we are an enterprise telecom service provider, we shall focus on employee data privacy only. Is that enough?
  • Difference between DPIA and data processing risk assessment

    What is the difference between DPIA and data processing risk assessment (when you perform in order to decide which controls need to be implemented in order to assure data security)?
  • DPIA template

    When carrying out a DPIA, is it acceptable to use a FREE DPIA template from a reputable company on the Internet if it appears to have all the required elements?
  • DPIA and risk assessment

    How does DPIA differ from a ISO27K risk assessment?
  • DPIA according to EU GDPR

    Please confirm whether its related to information security and management system?
Page 94 of 97 pages