Tag: "Certification body" - Expert Advice Community



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  • Choosing the right Certification Body for ISO27001 Compliance

    Dear Team, I have across a certifcation body for my company's ISMS certification. The certification body is accredited by IAS. When i looked at the scope of accredition, the countries of operation is Quatar. I want me US entity to be certified. In this case is it advisable to go with the certification body?

    COuld you guide on this.

  • How to find and choose a good certification body for ISO 27001

    A client of mine wants to be ISO27001 certified, how do you choose which certification body to use, and what is the price of getting the certification.
  • Complaining to the certification body

    My question is more at this point in trying to understand that if a company is accredited to ISO 9001-2015 should they not have an HR policy in place.