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  • ISO 22301 Toolkit - BIA questionnaire questions

    Currently, I have several questions regarding the business impact analysis questionnaire. Let me ask you below.

    1. Should each process (activity) fill part 2 of the worksheet? Or maybe only those that were rated on a scale of 3 and higher in the course of the analysis and also those activities indicated as necessary for their functioning?

    2. With reference to qualitative estimation. In your opinion, is it good practice to define the scale of financial losses as described below for general estimation (point no. 3 of the questionnaire)? Do you often use such a solution?

    1 - less than 1% of monthly revenues
    2 - 1-10% of monthly revenues
    3 - 10-30% of monthly revenues
    4 - over 30% of monthly revenues

    3. If I add revenue ranges in point no. 3 of the questionnaire, should I do this also in point no. 10?

    4. If I have 2 locations in my company that perform the same processes, but separately - independently - should I analyze them separately or collectively? How about averaging the data in one questionnaire?