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  • Understanding the core concepts of RPO & RTO - ISO 22301

    Hi, I am new to the this community and a newbie in the field of information Security. ISO 22301 - BCMS has captured my focus as a starting point.
    I've been reading about RTO and RPO and has quite an understading about these concepts now. At least enought to ask some stupid question. Please don't mind if my question does not make sense as I am still absorbing.

    I have read an example about how Business Processes have their own set of  Business-RTO(BRTO) and Business-RPO(BRPO) based on their crticality, and these values are set by their respective Business Owners. Further, these processes are dependant on the supporting infrastucture, such as application assets, vendors, locations, and other resources.

    Additionally, applications that supports processes have their own set of Application-RTO(ARTO) and Application-RPO(ARPO) set by their respective application owners. Also, there needs to be a roll-up RTO and RPO for applications as an application may tagged to multiple processes and it must be aligned with the minimum of all the tagged processes BRTO and BRPO values. Based on the comparison of the roll-up value and the owner assigned value, we can identify a gap for an application.

    Now, my question is that a process can be directly depandant on the RTO of an application because to run that process, the application must be up and running. However, it's not the same for the application RPO. RPO depends on the backup rate of the database and if still an application is down but we have not lost any data or much data (under RPO values), we can still interact with that data through other means/alternatives, correct? I think my concept about RPO is not clear and how it is related to application. I need a more experinced view on this. 

    Thanks in advance.