Assign topic to the user
Answer: It is very difficult to give a straight answer because mapping an organization’s processes is not so much a technical decision but more a management decision based on the experience and tradition of each organization. So, I cannot say that your proposal is wrong, I can say that it is very close to what I use to see. However, I would prefer to follow your approach when you describe your organization:
Main processes
Win contract
Pick up components
Assemble cable harnesses
Ship cable harnesses
Support processes
Maintain and calibrate
Admit and train people
Acquire materials and services
Lead process
Lead the company
Normally, I don’t consider Quality control as a process. I include quality control activities as part of processes (like Pick up components, Assemble cable harnesses and Acquire materials and services). If you consider Quality control as a process, actually you are not speaking about process, a flow of activities, and I underline the word flow. You are calling process to Quality control but in reality, you are talking about a department. Not flow but set of activities done in a certain environment.
The following material will provide you information the process approach:
- ISO 9001 – ISO 9001: The importance of the process approach -
- Free webinar on demand – The Process Approach – What it is, why it is important, and how to do it -
- book – Discover ISO 9001:2015 Through Practical Examples -
We've received other questions:
> 1. On the process map will follow turtle diagram of each processor flow chart ok?
Answer 1:
Turtle diagram and flowchart are both useful for describing different topics about a process.
The turtle diagram systematizes a whole set of information about a process:
The flowchart describes the flow of activities and who participates between the inputs and the outputs:
> 2) process Acquire materials and services we will have even if we don’t buy any material for production ok?
Answer 2:
Perhaps the name is not the best one, but the idea is to capture the activities about Picking up the materials and everything until assembling starts. Besides the materials and components, are there not any important products or services that your organization acquires from suppliers?
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May 22, 2019