ISO 27001 & 22301 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Certification and partnerships

    If we partner with a new partner do they also need to hold ISO 27001? If not do you have suggestions on the best way to ensure they follow best practice and provide our clients with confidence.
  • Infrastructure requirements

    What are the infrastructure & System requirements for an ISO 27001? We are a BPO Company that needs to be compliance and here are the list of infrastructure we have: DC Controller Server, UTM High Availability Firewall, Gmail (Emails) and Storage Server. Did I miss anything for ISO Requirements?
  • Responsibilities assignment

    We are bought ISO 27001 documents and I have some questions about INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY document. I did not found description about job title in below at video tutorials (Helpful Materials) :
  • Assessment criteria

    Hello, can you explain the assessment criteria?
  • Policies approval

    When creating policies for ISO 27001 does a Company Director need to sign these or can any Director sign them?
  • Cursos en México

    Me encuentro en el país de méxico, sabe si BCI o DRII ofrece la certificación en mi país? Esto lo pregunto porque existen consultorías en mi país que imparten cursos de líder implementador en ISO 22301 ó lider auditor.
  • Pasos para implementar ISO 27001

    ¿Cuáles son los pasos globales para poder implementar la norma ISO-27001 en una organización de mediana envergadura, tomándose como tema de tesis?
  • Internal audit

    1 - In regards to the internal audit, it should be done right after training and awareness, correct?
  • Benefits of ISO 27001

    Hi! Can you help me on what is the benefits of ISO 27001 to the organization. As of now i'm doing a proposal for are organization on what is the benefits of being ISO certified. We would like to convince then and courage then to pursue the certification for entire organization. thanks
  • Performing risk assessment

    So as I go through the risk treatment, I notice that most of the risks are less than a 3 therefore are accepted risks...However, that is because I already have a control in place or the likelihood is a 0...can I put "risk acceptance" in the risk treatment for "selection of options" and then put the control that is in place or that we will implement in "means of implementation"?