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EU GDPR - Expert Advice Community



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  • Becoming GDPR compliant

    1. Do all the rules apply to all companies, regardless of size/number of employees?
  • Is consent needed?

    1. If the request is from 3rd party specially safeguarding and/or social care, in particular for a case conference, is patient consent required?
  • GDPR/Terms and conditions

    We are the booking software company. User register account on our side and different clients can make appointments (like airbnb for instance). We are a data controller for our users and data processor for clients of our users.
  • DPIA policy

    1. Hi, I would love to ask you a few questions about GDPR. First of all, I kind of really confused about DPIA policy. It is hard to find an answer for me specific, cause I'm working in crypto currency exchange, and I need to figure out do we even need it or not. Maybe you have more knowledge in this situation. It seems that it depends on what kind of information we are collecting... So as you know, we gonna collect simple personal information, some bank information and information about income and so on. I'm not really sure is it high risk information? All in all, I just really need some simple answers about DPIA...
  • Marketing activities

    Is there any specific article or procedure regarding marketing stated in the standard EU GDPR Document?
  • Staff training on GDPR

    1. My question pertains to, does an organization in EU need to register with ICO or some body to declare their compliance.
  • Consent to use personal data

    1. If consent was given to use personal data collected for a specific purpose, and that data was provided in a file format that contained both personal information and non-personal information (system-level, functional data) can the non-personal information be stripped out and used for a different purpose?
  • Scenario 1/Scenario 2

    Scenario1: We have few employees in EU and their personal data is in US servers (Our server & Paycheck processing vendor) and let us know any special consent needed?
  • Legal basis

    1. We use consent as lawful basis for marketing campaigns and for customer satisfaction survey. We transfer data, within the EU, to partners that provide us customer satisfaction services. But many of our clients do not complete the consent form, they only signed the form and don't tick the options and they say don't have time to do that. What other legal basis can we use to send them marketing information?
  • Required consent

    1. Is consent required from the xxx email subscribers to receive email notifications from xxx. If yes, what does the process involve? And if the organization needs the services of an attorney at law.
Page 59 of 97 pages