ISO 27001 & 22301 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Consultant career

    I would like to have a baseline document on Information Security that could speak to all organization across the board whether it be finance, government, private sectors, etc.
  • Internal audit checklist questions

    I had some questions regarding a few of the internal audit checklist items.
  • Implement ISO 27001 and ISO 22301

    1. How long does it normally take to implement both of these (ISO27k + 22301) ones based on your experience?
  • Ejemplos para el alcance

    Serian tan amable, de enviarme un par de ejemplos referentes a la Definición del alcance del SGSI, procesos y servicios, unidades organizativas , ubicaciones, redes e infraestructura, etc.
  • Time between 2 surveillance audits

    Can you please tell me if there is a norm that defines the maximum period (one year) between two surveillance audits?
  • Implementing plan for PCI-DSS

    Can you help me with a implementing plan for PCI DDS certification?
  • Measure the effectiveness of training

    What is best practice for measuring effectiveness of assigned training, and where do I document?
  • The future of the cyber security

    1. What is the future of cyber security for career wise
  • ¿Qué evalua ISO 27001 e ISO 22301?

    Me gustaría saber que procesos o exactamente que es lo que evalúan tanto el ISO 27001 y ISO22301. Ademas me gustaría sabes que empresa u organización en el Perú certifican la ISO 27001 y ISO 22301?
  • Is internal audit mandatory?

    I have been assisting one of my clients for the last year or to implement an ISMS. We are now at the stage where an internal audit (stage 1)has to be conducted. The question that I need to ask is this: The client does not have an Internal Audit Department. Would it be possible to assist the client in doing a self-assessment instead of the stage 1 audit? Is the internal audit mandatory for final certification or would a self-assessment serve the same purpose? A tentative date for the Management Review has already been set and the client is also in the process of looking for a Certification Auditor to conduct the Stage 2 Audit.