ISO 27001 & 22301 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Information classification

    I have a difficulty right now to understand how to classify Information with regard to documents.
  • Control justification on SoA

    I have additional question. Is “Justification for selection/non-selection” column mandatory or voluntary to use?
  • Legal requirements

    For the “control objective A.18 – Compliance with legal and contractual requirements” – does this need to include other legal requirements or is it just those relating to information security. For example should the legal register hold reference to the Companies Act and other Financial Regulations – as these are not specifically related to information security.
  • Alcance ISO 27001

    "Mi pregunta esta orientada a la iso 27001. Para poder certificarse debe participar toda la empresa o solo el area it?"
  • Prospective questionnaires

    I sometimes receive questionnaires from prospective customers to assess our level of security.
  • Non permitted technology strategy

    One fast question as I have to have a draft for a customer by Friday on the following and I’m curious where I should put this within the existing toolkits:
  • ISMS scope on cloud environments

    I am working in a company which delivers an iPaas located on Azure (Azure is already ISO 27001 certified). What is the difference between the ISMS scope for an iPaas and a SaaS?
  • Cryptography controls

    I do have another question as well. In Statement of Applicability template there is a following row:
  • Filling SoA template

    I have a question about Statement of Applicability template. It has a column called "Justification for selection/non-selection" and you have commented it "Based on risk assessment results, contractual and legal obligations.". Could you please give further guidance for this column? I'm not sure what should I fill in this column.
  • Filling Risk Treatment Table

    Could you also provide guidance for what should be inserted in Acceptance of Residual Risks columns? Especially Vulnerability, New impact, new probability and Residual risk columns.