ISO 27001 & 22301 - Expert Advice Community



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  • SoA content_

    May I ask to which extent should be a Share risk situation detailed in SoA?
  • Template content

    1. I have just started work with the Risk Assessment Table template. Is it possible to change the colour range in the Risk column? Would like to have 0=green, 1=yellow, 2=orange and 3 and 4 =red. 3 and is red, but there is no colour scaling on 0,1 and 2...
    2. I did have a look at the post in Expert Advice Community – could you also describe how to change the colour scaling, please
  • ISMS and QMS

    It was advised that we need to implement QMS, as identifying and documenting all the process as this is the best approach. I actually did not quite comfortable, since it will increase the workload (thus require additional resource).
  • NIST CSF, ISO 27002 and PCI

    Can you be tell me difference and similarity between Nist csf and iso 27002 and pci dad?
  • SOA content

    The company I am working for has decided to implement ISO 27001 for a division only, a Division building up an iPaaS. I have a question related to SOA.
  • Distance of recovery site

    Is in ISO 22301 mentioned any specific kilometer distance between the fail-over data centers ? I Know that the selection of DC location/provider is a complex thing and many things are to be considered, but the people (mangers) are kind of discussing all over again a Number X or Y. If there would be some concrete number in ISO 22301 (or PCI-DSS or another ISO/??? market/industry relevant/authoritative document, the discussion could be over). Please advice.
  • BCMS presentation to top management

    I would like to know you, if you have an awareness presentation customized for a top management, which illustrate the importance of the BCMS for the business, in order to ease their buy-in.
  • Toolkit content

    1 - Document: Project plan
  • ISMS scope

    Is it possible to share a copy of a completed ISMS scope document. This would help to understand the types of items that we should be thinking about. I understand it is business dependent but an example would be usefull
  • Difference between guideline and measure

    With great interest I'm reading your articles about ISO 27001. One thing isn't clear to me: What is the difference between a guideline and a measure?