ISO 27001 & 22301 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Mandatory DRP

    We are currently facing an audit and they are looking for DRP for Badge Access Request from physical security.
  • BCP presentation

    I bought the ISO 22301 document package in Spanish version, some months ago. Now I need to make a presentation of the finished BCP, will you have a powerpoint template that you recommend and I can download?
  • Scope definition

    A question if I may and if you written anything to help me I would be very grateful, I am stuck understanding the scope, my role is to create an ISMS for the Finance, HR and IT departments, easy enough, but for one questions, where does the scope stop?
  • Risk assessment on Conformio

    How we make a risk assessment in the conformio platform?
  • Meaning of information to ISO 27001

    I have an issue with this corrigendum. The term "information" is quite wide and can be interpreted in several ways, which adds to the complexity of implementing this control. It would be interesting to know what guidelines ISO 27002 provides in light of the change.
    Question refers to this article: European 2017 Revision of ISO/IEC 27001: What has changed?
  • ISO 27017, ISO 27018 and ISO 27001

    Do I need to comply with ISO27017 and 18 in order to be compliant with ISO27001? I'm asking to know if I can skip the cloud stuff until I've implemented ISO27001.
  • ISO 27001 assessment

    Do you have a simple checklist that can be used to do high level assessment for ISO 27001?
  • Controls from section A.11.1

    which document should cover a11, a11.1 a11.1.1 - 1.6 etc, that's all the physical parts? I can't seem to find a document where this is addressed
  • ISO 27001 Annex A structure

    quería saber si me pueden ayudar informándome porque el anexo A de la ISO 27001 inicia en el numeral A5
  • ISO 27017, ISO 27018 and certifications

    So v2013 is pretty much fully evolved. But it needs a new sentence - Ensure your cloud provider is certified to 27017 for security and 27081 for privacy?