ISO 27001 & 22301 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Information Security Policy template

  • Software companies

  • Templates for the implementation of ISO 27001

  • No conformidades relacionados con los controles del Anexo A ISO 27001

  • Differences between ISO 27001:2005 and ISO 27001:2013

  • Templates for technical controls

  • Nonconformities and incidents

  • Implementation method and status of controls in Statement of Applicability

    We are working on completing the SoA and are a bit confused on how best to fill in the implementation method and status.  In a number of cases, we have a current method in place to address a control but we don't consider that method to be fully adequate as a control.  So we plan in the near future to develop a more extensive control.  
  • Handling documents of external origin

    I have a question. For the PROCEDURE FOR DOCUMENT AND RECORD CONTROL, is section 4 really needed? It seems odd to track incoming packages, every single piece of email, etc. I'm also unfamiliar with the concept of an incoming mail register.
  • Assistance on nonconformities

    Request you help and assistance on couple of minor non conformities.