1) techniques of extracting objective evidence in auditing
2) how to improve on my auditing competency
3) how do you relate ISO 9001 with other quality ISO like ISO 15189:2012? Do i need ISO 9001 to implement ISO 15189:2012?
The scope of accreditation will fall under which clause of 17025:2017?
I’m a quality manager and we have an internal audit plane this month what the best procedure to perform Lab. Audit according to ISO 17025 : 2017 in the pandemic of Covid-19 ?
On the other hands what if the lab. Do only verification by blind samples ( quality control ) that they make for lab . instruments and he find the results e corrects and he didn't make calibration as it listed the calibration list period?
I am having a hard time to figure out what I should write in our quality manual and an audit plan, if we wish to use an external company for the internal audit.
I will like to know how to set up a project applying the said standard and the effects of ISO 17025 on projects and how I can obtain a certification for the same ISO. To show competence on potential employers.
1. How should risk assessment be done?
2. And in which areas should the risk assessment be performed?
1. If I can not purchase the last version of the method right now, can I use the old one?
2. If not, what mean of "unless it is not appropriate or possible to do so." in this clause.