ISO 17025 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Key positions in ISO 17025

    I have a question about organization chart for iso 17025.
    we are small laboratory and I am wondering what are the key positions?

  • Special training for employees to help in implementing ISO 17025

    Good day

    I am working on a plan to get up and running with the ISO 17025 for our lab and there is one thing that I am wondering about.

    This is an Aquaculture company and currently, I am the only employee on the lab, the reason for why we are looking into ISO 17025 is that we are doing most of our measurement our self and want to be able to private the government our information without asking the 3rd party to make the samples ( of course in some cases that will always be necessary) and we also want to be able to offer our serves to other aquaculture company.

    Ok now I come to the main question, I am the only employee in the lab but I have the aquaculture technicians to help me some times in some of the projects (those projects do not take place in the lab itself but are part of the lab work). Do I need to set up a special training program for them?

  • ISO 17025 accreditation Of laboartory

    Wanted to take information about final audit.our lab is being accreditated through PNAC(accreditation body) what are the basic requirements to meet standards of 17025.from documentation till testing.

  • Using Non-ISO Clients on Controlled Forms

    I have a PhD and have been creating/building/working in an ISO17025 laboratory for over 30 years. Today, I was helping a fellow company with an internal audit. On one of the ISO controlled forms I noticed that full names of companies have been completely spelt out (process deficiency, confidentiality deficiency). The lab manager (not very experienced) said that because those non-ISO clients are on an ISO form, they don't count for confidentiality and process rules under ISO. Shocked, I didn't know what to say. Is it a documentation deficiency to list non-ISO clients on ISO internally controlled documents?

  • Is the calibration certificate number sufficient to control the calibration certificate issued to customers?  

    Is the calibration certificate number sufficient to control the calibration certificate issued to customers?  
    We usually do is we indicate format no in our calibration certificate,  work sheet and calibration template form.

  • Setting up a Quality control Lab

    Our company is planning to set up a Quality control lab for medical textiles. I have been assigned to design it using minimum specifications. I would like to know if there are any guidelines regarding layout and design as suggested by the IEC 17025.

  • How training should someone have before they are deemed competent for a specific task?

    How training should someone have before they are deemed competent for a specific task?

  • ISO 17025 Management document structure

    Between Quality Policy and Quality manual which one is superior in the management system document structure

  • Questions to check gap analysis to 17025:2017

    What Kind of questions should one ask to check gap analysis to 17025:2017
  • Equipment calibration certificate/test report

    Please according to iso 17025:2017, who in the laboratory is responsible for:
    1- reviewing equipment calibration certificates?
    2- signing of test report?

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