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ISO 27001 & 22301 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Approval of documents and risks

    What is the process for documenting managements approval of documents and risks? Do meeting minutes suffice? What is best practice?
  • General board level governance document that the non IT Director can understand

    I am looking for a general Board level governance document that the non IT Director or Trustee can understand and use as a benchmark against which to measure conformance to best practices. Can you help me?
  • Validity of the ISO27001 Certificate from Advisera

    Dear Sir
  • Scope for a company that provides IT services outsourcing

    The company provides IT services outsourcing therefore have codes sources or confidential customer information , such information should be part of my risk management ?
  • Owners of multiple assets

    The Risk Assessment and Risk Treatment Methodology template states "When identifying assets, it is also necessary to identify their owners - the person or organizational unit responsible for each asset." When listing a laptop for example, should it be the person how uses the laptop (or who it's assigned to) or should it be a layer higher than that? My concern is that if we have 800+ employees, that we'd have to list all those individual laptops and their owners.
  • Varias preguntas relacionadas con la implementación de la ISO 22301

    Hola, estamos implementado la ISO 22301 a partir del paquete que compramos, paralelamente estamos implementado la ISO 27001 donde ya hemos avanzado implementando políticas y procedimientos, aquí hay una carta Gantt ya definida. En relación a la ISO 22301 partimos con la política de la continuidad del negocio, aquí tengo algunas preguntas:
  • Some types of assets

    If I have Some types of assets like persons, services and computers I have to classify them too? Or only the information assets?
  • Opportunities in the methodology of risk assessment?

    I am confused because I created one information security risk management procedure which is the methodology of risk assessment; Do I need to put something related to opportunities in that procedure or not? and do i need to add something in my risk register? like opportunities?
  • Controls for a cloud provider

    Does ISO 27001 certification require control maturity for systems that are new to a deliverable model? For example, if a business unit were to deploy a company standard SQL image into a cloud provider infrastructure would the cloud provider have to have control maturity or are the current controls in place for on-premise data centers sufficient?
  • First things in ISO process

    In the ISO process, what are the first things you should look at ? What I want to is what will fall in line with top priorities so you can create a flow chart and work from the most critically important to the the less significant issues and can you build upon each ?