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  • Surveillance audit and transition

    Hi, I have a 2 concerned. In less than 3 months we will having a 4th Surveillance Audit for this year and are new MR have no back ground in any kind of ISO.
  • Bureaucratic burden of ISO 9001

    The more documentation we have the more it’s not going to be effective because one: who would read it and use it; two: no value added; three: it’ll just be sitting in the repository and will only come out during an internal audit etc.
  • Writing quality objectives and plans for achieving them

    How should a quality objective and planning document be written?
  • Determining the scope in nonprofit organization

    I work for a alcohol and drug rehabilitation centre. We are a not for profit organisation and our funding bodies determine the services that we must provide and the KPIs associated with it. In terms of interested parties (Context of the organisation) my CEO believes that basically the funding bodies are the only interested parties and feels that Suppliers, contractors, cients, employees etc. are not considered interested parties relevant to the QMS. I believe they are because our employees deliver a service to our clients and their needs are proper training, proper communication, resources such as electronic QMS management programs etc. Our suppliers have a direct input on our QMS for example if our IT systems are not running smoothly it causes time delays, loss of information etc. These are just examples. Could you please assist with clarity on who we have to consider as "interested parties".
  • Defining scope and repercussions

  • Metodologías aplicación cláusula 4

    Quisiera mayor información acerca de metodologías o herramientas que ayuden a determinar el alcance del sistema de gestión de calidad referente al apartado 4.3 de la norma.
  • Auditor de certificación

    Para poder realizar auditorias de certificación a otras empresas que requisitos requiere mi empresa y mi personal.
  • Smq in a power plant

    Hi and thank you for all what you give for us. Please im now folowing a project of implementing an smq with a consultant in one of our power plant, and we have many problems : 1. We have chose à wrong project manager. And now we are in the description of the processus and interaction. Can we remove him and replace by an other? 2. The consultant at gap analysis didnot use the documentary audit. He only made the interview !. When I asked him. He told me I will do it letter. Iis it a problem ? 3. When they describe the processus. They add a processus of social partener. Even its dont influence the smq. Is it correct? 4. The consultant has proposed a quality policy without see the policy of the power plant! Can it possible ? Thank you in advance
  • ISO 9001 document requirements for a repair shop

    I was wondering what the requirements would be for documentation (SOP, WI, etc.) for a repair shop with technicians who mainly use their training and work experience to fix equipment. Could I provide training records to show competency, or do I need to documents with steps that are taken in diagnosing and repairing of various lab equipment, which would be a huge task since we deal with many different types of instruments.
  • Making simple EMS system

    i have a small company with a small env program, Small quantity generator Haz waste, small universal waste generator, indirect wastewater discharger, EPCRA compliance, minor source air permit pre-construction permit, so it is a small program. what do you recommend for ISO 14001-2015, I am beginning to establish the program, funds are limited. I might not pursue the certification, but at least, i'd like to establish a focused program rather than piling docs.