ISO 9001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Corrective action for IT department

    The IT Department in my company is yet to determine the processes needed for its Quality Management System. Root Cause is that IT Specialist was not aware of the requirement to determine the processes needed for the Quality Management System. What should be the correction and preventive actions to prevent a recurrence of the current situation. I would appreciate your answer. Thank you.
  • The context and leadership requirements

    Glad to hear from you again in respect to document structure which in fact I have been following up your kind advice as I am in the midst of upgrading to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
  • SOP vs Quality Plan

    What is the difference between work instruction and Quality Plan?
  • Quality Objectives and Quality Policy

    Is it okay if we post a Quality Objectives and Quality Policy Statement, Vision and Mission and only the General Manager is the signatory as approved and not including the signature of OIC-Management Representative. Or should I have to place the name and signature of the OIC-MR as prepared by. Thank you.
  • Training Effectiveness

    What is the difference between training effectiveness and training evaluation. I just confuse why the auditor put an NC in are surveillance before in related to training that he said we don't have a training evaluation and training effectiveness. please help me to clean this in my mind. thank you
  • Cláusula 8.5.4

    El item 8.5.4 a que va referido? La empresa en la que laboro me dice que lo oriente hacia seguridad de la información pero eso creo debe ser incluido dentro de control de documentos.
  • Cláusula 4

    Estoy empezando con el desarrollo de la ISO 9001-2015, quiero que me recomiende algunas técnicas para el desarrollo del punto 4 de la norma.
  • Conducting "desktop audit"

    What steps would you recommend for a desktop audit of an engineering workshop which is authorized for vehicle assessment work?
  • Audit criteria and evidence-based approach

    What is an audit criteria? What is the evidence based approach?