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ISO 14001 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Risks and opportunities and environmental aspects

    "(1) In which clause of ISO14001:2015 Standard I can find identification and relative significance of risk and opportunities of environmental impact? (2) Do all environmental aspect required to have operational control?”
  • Expectations for the transition audit

    "What one should expect during transition audit?”
  • Filling out ISO 14001 templates

    Hello, How much effort would I need to consider when creating a document? Would I only need to input my company name and some details, or are your templates intended to only give an outline but require the user to input most of the text?
  • Green training importance

    "What is the importance of green training to implement ISO 14001?”
  • Environmental objectives in shipping

    I'm from India and employed in a shipping company. Even though it doesn't come directly under my area of responsibility, we are required to have ISO 14001 targets for each year.
  • An integrated management system for a mining operation

    "How do you implement ISO 9001 and 14001:2015 in a mining environment? How do you ensure and audit compliance and performance in the two standards?”
  • Revisión ambiental inicial

    Buenas tardes, soy estudiante de sistemas de gestión ambiental, en este momento hago mis prácticas en una empresa de alimentos, estoy haciendo la RAI (Revisión Ambiental Inicial) de la misma y me siento algo confundido, me podría ayudar guiándome en cómo hacerla adecuadamente y qué herramientas puedo usar para llevarla a cabo, en especial la realización de listas de chequeo.
  • Considering the lifecycle aspect

    "We are a company that provides specialist welders for high pressure applications, such as cooling towers. Thus, we provide labor to sites only and we only purchase consumables like welding rods and hire welding packs.
  • Managing EAIA

    "How to decide EAIA (Environment Aspect and Impact Analysis) elements? How to give scores in Quantity, Occurrence, Impact, Detection and Control in the elements of EAIA?”
  • Programs and environmental objectives

    "Pls clarify the following.
Page 41 of 57 pages