ISO 27001 & 22301 - Expert Advice Community



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  • Standard review and recertification cycle

    1 - Regarding changes to ISO27001 and 27002 - I see that the last update to ISO27001 was a 2013 revision, and the one prior to that was published in 2005. Can you advise if updates are done on a specific schedule, or on an as needed basis?
  • Checklist for EU GDPR

    Actually I wanted your help with these two things:
  • Training on non conformities

    Hola buenas tardes, son de gran ayuda los 4 libros que le compre. Pero me falta mas adiestramiento en levantar NO CONFORMIDADES. Como me puede ayudar en eso?
  • Personal certification maintenance

    As I am a PMP, will Advisera provide the PDUs correspondent to ISO27001 Foundation training if I attend the course?
  • Becoming an ISO 22301 Lead Auditor

    I'm a customer, and I was interested to understand if it could be possible to become an ISO/IEC Lead Auditor 22301 with an e-learning course.
  • Risk Assessment

    We received this question:
  • Framework for IT audit.

    We received this question:
  • ISMS challenges

    I am proposing to state gov to take up state wide isms exercise. I need some info to put in my proposal and slides. I want to show what kinds of challenges are in place that having isms is able to solve. Do you have such info? It's like a swot analysis and value proposition combination.
  • Compliance with EU GDPR

    I wanted to know if there exists a draft framework for co-determination of rights of employees with compliance to EU GDPR?
  • Certifying non-IT organization

    If I want to implement ISO 27001 to a non IT organization; where most of the requirements are considered as not applicable, is that possible? can they get the certification if they justify the un-applicability of the requirements?